Изучающее чтение с элементами анализа информации


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1. Electricity is a flow of negative charges called electrons. These electric charges are measured in units called coulombs. Electricity is a very versatile form of energy that can be converted into many other forms of energy, including light and heat, direct current (DC), which flows in one direction only, and alternating current (AC), which changes direction 60 times per second.
2. An electric circuit is an unbroken conducting path from, and back to, a power supply. It has three main parts: the power supply, the conductor, and the load. The power is provided by a generator or battery, the conductor carries the current, and the load is an electric device such as a lamp.
3. Unlike current electricity, static electricity does not flow. It is created when an electrically neutral substance loses or gains electrons, making it, respectively, positively or negatively charged. You can create static electricity by rubbing a balloon on your clothing. Electrons will move from the clothing to the balloon, making the balloon negatively charged and the clothing positively charged. The resulting static electricity on each will attract small, light objects such as pieces of paper.

+ Electrical circuit allows electrons to flow through continuously without beginning or end.

 In an electric circuit the load can be an electric device such as a lamp.

 One can create static electricity by rubbing a balloon on one’s clothing.

 The power in an electric circuit is provided by a generator or battery.
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Правильный ответ на вопрос «Какое устройство предназначено для прохождения электрического тока?» – «Electrical circuit allows electrons to flow through continuously without beginning or end» («Электрическая цепь позволяет электронам передвигаться по ней без начала и конца»), поскольку согласно тексту: «An electric circuit is an unbroken conducting path from, and back to, a power supply» («Электрическая цепь – это неразрывный проводник от источника тока и обратно») (фрагмент 2).
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